Wire fraud is on the rise. In fact, businesses are losing billions to fraudulent wire transfers, and the problem is getting worse. As a business owner, safeguarding your company’s financial assets is crucial for maintaining a healthy bottom line. By familiarizing yourself with the most common signs of scams and implementing preventive measures, you can significantly reduce the risk of becoming a victim of fraud.

Scammers’ Tactics

The best way to effectively combat wire transfer fraud is by understanding the tactics scammers use to deceive unsuspecting businesses. Here are four of the most common tactics:


Scammers pretend to be someone you trust, such as a reputable vendor or a government agency, to gain credibility and manipulate you into acting without thought.

Sense of Urgency:

Scammers create a false sense of urgency, pressuring you to make quick decisions or payments before you can properly investigate their claims.

Intimidation and Fear:

Scammers employ fear tactics, warning you of dire consequences or impending disasters to coerce you into making immediate payments without due diligence.

Untraceable Payment Methods:

Untraceable Payment Methods: Scammers request untraceable payment methods such as wire transfers, reloadable cards, or gift cards, making it challenging to reverse or track the transactions, ensuring their anonymity and facilitating their fraudulent activities.

Protecting Your Business

These are five best practices to help you avoid falling victim to this type of scam:

Verify, Verify, Verify:

Always authenticate the legitimacy of wire transfer requests. Do not rely solely on email communication; make a habit of calling the person requesting the transfer using a number you’ve previously called, not the one included in the current request.

Implement Call-Back Verification:

When setting-up payment instructions for a new vendor or modifying payment instructions for an existing vendor, implement a call-back verification process. This extra step ensures any changes or further payment details requested are genuine.

Implement Dual Control and Segregation of Duties:

Adopt a system of checks and balances. Dividing responsibilities and ensuring multiple employees are involved in the approval and execution of financial transactions can significantly reduce the risk of fraud.

Educate Your Team:

Knowledge is a powerful defense against wire transfer fraud. Conduct regular training sessions to educate employees about email phishing scams, red flags, and the importance of verifying payment requests. An educated and vigilant team is your strongest defense against wire transfer fraud.

Test Your Fraud Health:

Engaging external security experts to conduct penetration tests will help identify weaknesses and allows you to proactively address potential vulnerabilities.

Staying vigilant and implementing preventive measures are your best defenses against wire transfer fraud. Need more guidance strengthening your financial practices? Boris Benic and Associates can provide comprehensive financial solutions.