Maximize Your Home Sale: A Comprehensive Guide to Capital Gains Taxes

Maximize Your Home Sale: A Comprehensive Guide to Capital Gains Taxes

Are you thinking of selling your primary residence? Before you take that leap, it’s essential to understand the ins and outs of potential capital gains tax to avoid any unwelcome surprises come tax season. Let’s delve into the basics and exceptions to ensure you’re well-informed about what’s ahead. You don’t want to incur a larger-than-necessary tax bill.


Tips for Deducting Losses From a Disaster, Fire or Theft

March 29, 2016

If you suffer damage to your home or personal property, you may be able to deduct these “casualty” losses on your federal income tax return. A casualty is a sudden, unexpected or unusual event, such as a natural disaster (hurricane, tornado, flood, earthquake, etc.), fire, accident, theft or vandalism. A casualty loss doesn’t include losses from normal wear and tear or progressive deterioration from age or termite damage.

Here are some things you should know about deducting casualty losses: (more…)