Businesses: 3 Midyear Tax Planning Strategies

July 25, 2018

Tax reform has been a major topic of discussion in Washington, but it’s still unclear exactly what such legislation will include and whether it will be signed into law this year. However, the last major tax legislation that was signed into law — back in December of 2015 — still has a significant impact on tax planning for businesses. Let’s look at three midyear tax strategies inspired by the Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes (PATH) Act: (more…)

How to Handle IRS Notices

How to Handle IRS Notices

Is this your situation? Just when you thought tax season was over, you receive a notice from the IRS. Don’t panic — you’re not alone. The IRS sends millions of notices and letters out each year. Many are computer-generated, because these days, the IRS relies less on employees to get directly involved in issues including collections. Many state and local governments are following suit and sending out more notices to taxpayers. (more…)