Our Accounting Articles
Selling Your Home? Consider These Tax Implications
Spring and summer are the optimum seasons for selling a home. And interest rates are currently attractive, so buyers may be out in full force in your area. Freddie Mac reports that the average 30-year fixed mortgage rate was 4.14% during the week of May 2, 2019, while the 15-year mortgage rate was 3.6%. This is down 0.41 and 0.43%, respectively, from a year earlier.
Check On Your Refund — Find Out Why The IRS Might Not Send It
It’s that time of year when many people who filed their tax returns in April are checking their mail or bank accounts to see if their refunds have landed. According to the IRS, most refunds are issued in less than 21 calendar days. However, it may take longer — and in rare cases, refunds might not come at all.
Plug in Tax Savings for Electric Vehicles
While the number of plug-in electric vehicles (EVs) is still small compared with other cars on the road, it’s growing — especially in certain parts of the country. If you’re interested in purchasing an electric or hybrid vehicle, you may be eligible for a federal income tax credit of up to $7,500. (Depending on where you live, there may also be state tax breaks and other incentives.)
How Entrepreneurs Must Treat Expenses on Their Tax Returns
Have you recently started a new business? Or are you contemplating starting one? Launching a new venture is a hectic, exciting time. And as you know, before you even open the doors, you generally have to spend a lot of money. You may have to train workers and pay for rent, utilities, marketing and more.
How to Successfully Manage the Family Business
Family-owned businesses are arguably the most enduring and universally recognized institution in history. From small mom-and-pop shops to multi-billion-dollar businesses, those of us elbow deep in the concept know one thing: family-owned companies embody stability, longevity and a dedication to the value of family.
Three Questions You May Have After You File Your Return
Once your 2018 tax return has been successfully filed with the IRS, you may still have some questions. Here are brief answers to three questions that we’re frequently asked at this time of year.