Our Accounting Articles

3 Big TCJA Changes Affecting 2018 Individual Tax Returns and Beyond

February 19, 2019

When you file your 2018 income tax return, you’ll likely find that some big tax law changes affect you — besides the much-discussed tax rate cuts and reduced itemized deductions. For 2018 through 2025, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) makes significant changes to personal exemptions, standard deductions and the child credit. The degree to which these changes will affect you depends on whether you have dependents and, if so, how many. It also depends on whether you typically itemize deductions.

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Assigning a Value to Artwork

Art inspires thought, evokes emotion, and engages the beholder. And, while many people would consider those concepts priceless, when tax time rolls around, the law requires you to assign a dollar amount.

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