Our Accounting Articles
Volunteering? Know What You Can Deduct
July 17, 2018
Because donations to charity of cash or property generally are tax deductible (if you itemize), it only seems logical that the donation of something even more valuable to you — your time — would also be deductible. Unfortunately, that’s not the case.
Green Home: Save Tax By Saving Energy
July 10, 2018
“Going green” at home — whether it’s your principal residence or a second home — can reduce your tax bill in addition to your energy bill, all while helping the environment, too. The catch is that, to reap all three benefits, you need to buy and install certain types of renewable energy equipment in the home.
The ABCs of HSAs, FSAs and HRAs
July 3, 2018
There continues to be much uncertainty about the Affordable Care Act and how such uncertainty will impact health care costs. So it’s critical to leverage all tax-advantaged ways to fund these expenses, including HSAs, FSAs and HRAs. Here’s how to make sense of this alphabet soup of health care accounts.
3Q 2018 Tax Calendar: Key Deadlines For Businesses And Other Employers
June 26, 2018
Here are some of the key tax-related deadlines affecting businesses and other employers during the third quarter of 2018. Keep in mind that this list isn’t all-inclusive, so there may be additional deadlines that apply to you. Contact us to ensure you’re meeting all applicable deadlines and to learn more about the filing requirements.
TCJA’s Tax Impact On Estate Planning
June 19, 2018
The massive changes the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) made to income taxes have garnered the most attention. But the new law also made major changes to gift and estate taxes. While the TCJA didn’t repeal these taxes, it did significantly reduce the number of taxpayers who’ll be subject to them, at least for the next several years. Nevertheless, factoring taxes into your estate planning is still important.
Deciding Where To Live In Retirement? Factor In State And Local Taxes
June 12, 2018
Many Americans relocate to another state when they retire. If you’re thinking about such a move, state and local taxes should factor into your decision.